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  • Ericka Renee'

6 Steps To Find Mr. Right

Finding Mr. Right May Be Easier Than You Think! Finding Mr. Right vs. Mr. Right Now has proven not to be an simple task. Why can't it be as easy as it is in the movies, you know.... girl meets that one person that can freeze time with a smile. I'm talking sweaty palms, racing heartbeat, and then something dramatic happens but you end up getting the guy in the end! It seems like it's a "Mr. Right Now" everywhere you turn. How many eyeball emojis and "Hey Beautiful" have you received in your inbox or my personal favorite... let's not rush into things, let's just go with the flow.

I think I speak for most of us when I say NO MORE MR. RIGHT NOW!!!!! So how do you find Mr. Right?

1. TAKE OUT THE TRASH: It's Hard to manifest Mr. Right when you are still hooking up with Mr. Right Now. You have to cut him/her/them off cold turkey. AND NO Y'ALL CAN'T BE FRIENDS! Trust me it turns into a damn rinse and repeat type of cycle. Stop going to y'all favorite spots, delete that number, remove from social media and block 'em sis you don't want to relapse or embarrass yourself with a drunk text/ sext situation.

2. GET RID OF ALL THAT ISH: Letting go can be hard, make it easier on yourself by eliminating reasons to see him/her. Get rid of those cute couple pics, toss out any old clothing, toothbrush, bodywash, and everything that reminds you of him/her. You need a fresh start to manifest Mr. Right, this step is vital to getting over people that has done noting but wasted your time. You deserve better than that, you are worth more than that.

3. REVAMP YOURSELF: Start by healing from any childhood and or relationship traumas your may have experienced. Give yourself as much time as you need to heal, and remember to take steps towards selfcare. Find a new hobby, join a new class, start a gratitude journal, change up your hair and wardrobe and start meditating five minutes a day. Put yourself in the position to receive what you are praying for. Practice being the type of person you want to attract.

4. START MANIFESTING: Change your thought process, I know it's easier said than done but it's necessary to attract positive energy. Create a vision board including pictures and phrases that represent what you want to manifest. Include a picture that represents what true love looks like to you, a photo of the type of person you want to attract and a picture of yourself.

5. BE YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF: Once you complete steps one through four you will start noticing some positive changes in your life. I'm talking a deeper level of gratitude, mindfulness, happiness and more self love. You've got rid of bad habits, worked on yourself, healed, starting putting yourself first and have learned to focus on yourself. All of which is important when you are ready to settle down with Mr. Right.

6. KEEP AN OPEN MIND: Over the years I've learned that sometimes our type isn't actually our type at all. Mr. Right could be the person you've less expected. Instead of limiting yourself to a small group of qualified people loosen your criteria just a little.

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